Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!!

Hey! Hey! Hey! What do you say! 2012 is here today!

I'm in a great mood...maxing and relaxing in probably one of my favorite Christmas presents... FOOTIE PAJAMAS :)  Yes, I'm grown but they are THE best!  I hope an pray everyone had a great New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, I know I did!  Seems like the week between Christmas and New Year's always goes by the fastest, maybe it's just anticipation? 

Christmas was great and a bit bittersweet for me, but I always have a good ole time kicking around with my family.  The hair?  Oh, it was something like a hot mess but I didn't have the time nor patience to do anything fabulous with it.  I didn't have time to wash so this was just an old twist out SCREAMING for some TLC and detangling lol!  Crazy hair and all, I just couldn't resist a few webcam snaps :)  Can you tell we had a good time?

Check out the PJs

Take 2: Me & baby cousin Jayda

Take 3: Introducing Sis (l) Jayda (m) and ME!
I, in true Lisa fashion, waited til the last minute to try and do my hair before the Natural Resources Salon photo shoot.  A quick wash and detangle was all I had time for, but the unfortunately the shoot didn't pan out for me.  However, my friend Jessica was able to participate and I must say I can't wait to see the final pics!  In the meantime, enjoy a few pics from the shoot :)

 Jessica's style for the photo shoot.  S!!

Flawless and ready for the cameras!

 Naturally Nicky serving up all kinds of  FIERCE!

Fabulous twist out...another natural beauty. Hair, jewelry, outfit...CHECK!

Now that my hair was half done and with no real styling options in mind, I was left to come up with some sort of style for New Years...last minute Lisa again, I know!  I had intentions of going out to celebrate a friend's birthday Friday but that didn't happen since it took me forever to come up with a style.  I still wasn't fully satisfied with it but since I love y'all I'll share :)

Decided to revisit the braided pompadour style

The back was a little big but I didn't have the patience to work it out lol!
Since I wasn't completely satisfied with this look for the New Year's Eve party I took to messing around with it...not always the best choice with only a few hours left in the year right?  Unfortunately I didn't have any webcam snaps of the end style, but basically instead of a pompadour I had the hair in the front hanging to the side, left the braid intact and created a high bun.  I've got to do better taking phone pics but this is one snapped by a nice guy on the way out of the event (pardon the photo quality lol!)

NYE 2012 with my girls and random gentleman
I brought in 2012 with a couple of my favorite girls and I hope this joy continues throughout the year.  I wish happiness, health and prosperity to each of you who's eyes this may reach.  I do believe in putting positive affirmations into the universe and I do believe 2012 should be a great year for This Hair of Mine :) 

Thank you so much for your continued support, I hope to become even more interactive with y'all.  Please feel free to email me any questions or topics you'd like to discuss on This Hair of Mine, I'm open to all your comments, concerns and feedback!  I would like to participate in more natural hair events and meet-ups and I hope to meet more of you guys out and about.  It really makes my day :) 


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