Sunday, August 12, 2012

Coupon Alert | 1st Blogiversary Celebration

This Hair of Mine is officially one year and one week old!!

Since the official 1st Blogiversary Celebration last Sunday, I've been working to compile a list of all the great coupon codes and special offers we received, in addition to the fantastic giveaways we had.

I am happy to FINALLY present to you all, my faithful readers, the comprehensive list of coupon codes!! Some of them expire within the week, but most are good through the end of the month.  I am so thankful to all of these great companies who were gracious enough to be part of my big day :)  Make sure you show them some love from THoM when you make your purchase!

Thank you to our sponsors!

1 comment:

  1. Brittani aka Magenta Days from SC. I've been natural for two years and I love it. Everyday I am learning something about my hair and myself! It's a journey of self discovery. My fav tee is actually homemade. It says... "I'm Natural" on the front and "You can be too" on the back! It's my way of trying to inspire any women to take a chance to discover how beautiful they truly are...just the way God made them!


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