My Ultimate Christmas List :)

May not be completely necessary to the health of my hair but I definitely want to try it! Check them out for yourselves here.

Anita Grant Rhassoul Block
I've written about my love for Anita Grant's products before and I am absolutely, positively in love with her Rhassoul Deep Conditioning Treatment. My hair ALWAYS feels in it's best condition after completing once of these treatments. I would be willing to spend the almost $100 on a block of this yummy goodness BUT if I had a Santa to bring it to me I would not complain ;)
Every Qhemet Biologics product known to man
Believe it or not, this is the one brand that I have yet to try. I know right!?! I've been waiting in unbridled anticipation for the December sale they announced prior

Now there isn't much that I can't get at Curlmart so what's there's not much of a better gift option to feed my product junky habit! From Oyin Handmade to Curl Junkie, Darcy's Botanicals to Jane Carter Solutions...there are pretty much options to suit whatever mood I happen to be in. Or I'd be satisfied with Santa just getting me 4 products or so ;)

...so I know that it doesn't exist but wouldn't it be cool if there were a universal gift card that can be used with any Etsy store? Can you say I'd buy ALL my favorite handmade jewelry and accessories in a heartbeat! I've been eyeing some great pieces so that would be great if Santa could make that happen!
1 hr long photo shoot
Well this is almost coming true :) I'm going to be part of the Natural Resources Salon new portfolio next week which includes styling and pictures...this will be my first salon styling in over 5 years and I'm super geeked. I mean REALLY pumped!!
Floor to ceiling shelf to store all my products
Like I really need this...I don't have the space but if I lived in a perfect world I would have a shelf system set up for all of my products, arranged by type of course! That way it'd be easier to find products and compare different brands.
4GB of additional RAM for my laptop
As I do more on my blog, taking more pictures and video, it makes me wish I would've opted for more RAM on my laptop...oh well!
The latest & greatest Photoshop software
I'm trying to learn more about the graphic design aspect & photography so I'd LOVE to have an official version of Photoshop oh, and a class to teach me how to use it! My Christmas gift to myself was a new camera (Nikon S8200) so I'm going to take some time learning that, but I'd love to step up my Photoshop game as well.
A lifetime supply of ouchless headbands
My favorite accessory when I don't feel like accessorizing. These things are lifesavers but I can NEVER find the round ones without the non slip back. I can't stand the grips, plus the rounds ones seem to slide easier on my hair. AND when they stretch out I can double them up for an even cuter style.
...and a lifetime supply of plastic activator capsWhy activator caps? They serve many functions from hot oil treatments to pre-poos to deep conditioning to rhassoul to henna...get it? Many uses from a simple product. They're super cheap, but if Santa loved me he'd keep them in stock at all times ;)
.......and a lifetime supply of plastic gloves
Plastic gloves come in handy for rhassoul/henna treatments. Trust me you do NOT want to try henna without gloves, that is unless you want red hands lol!
AND a bottle of Peach Ciroc ;)
I don't think much needs to be said for this except if you love peach, and love vodka then you've GOT to try it!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa was good to you!