...how's that song Jennifer Hudson sings go? It's a NEW dawn, a NEW day, and a NEW life.....and I'm feeling GOOD!!!
okay, I digress...
I had what started off as a good day turn into a busy, semi-crappy one, and I was dog tired when I got home tonight. So much for co-washing my hair. But I could't help but feel like making a post about how good I'm feeling right now. It's September 1st, my first September post, and I just want to say THANK YOU!!! Thank you for the encouraging words telling me I could do this. Thank you for the support you've shown by becoming a friend of my blog. THANK YOU for joining my Facebook Page! I can't believe I've actually kept up with it, but everything I get a question, a compliment, or someone passing on info to me I just get excited! It's a wonderful, tremendous feeling that I can't quite put into words, bu maybe you can see me cheesing from here :) I appreciate each and every person who has taken their time to check my page out...I'm just a regular girl, with lots of "hands on" time in my own head lol! I operate by trial and error, and with natural hair what works for me may not work for you and vice versa, but you'll never know unless you TRY it.
I'm not sure I ever actually mentioned where the title for my blog came from so I'll share that briefly. I'd been toying with the idea of starting a blog, and as an Aquarius, when my mind gets set to something I gotta make it happen by any means possible. Now, I didn't do anything crazy, it's just that it kinda took over my thinking, my sleep was perforated by ideas, names, topics, issues...you get the idea! So as I'm constantly thinking about what I want to do, I started using the voice recorder on my spanking new phone because I had too much running through my brain to try and write down...that was my journal for a couple weeks. One morning I was trying to get to work and had the genius idea to try and detangle my hair (yes, before work!) so I'm giving myself a headache when it just kinda fell out of my mouth...This Hair of Mine. That's it!! Of course (I said I was an Aquarius!!) there were a few other names that I was thinking but that was the one that followed me around.
I think ALL people, not just black or Natural women, can relate to that exclaimation AAAHH This (insert adjective) Hair of Mine...in my case, that morning I was frustrated, I was hurting, I was irritated, but I did it because I ultimately love this hair of mine!! And I just want you to love yours, too :) I will do my best to continue to be honest on here, as there's no other way to be. I will also do my best to post on the topics that are most prevelant that I see/hear around and/or questions asked. I'm far from an expert, but I've probably had just about every hair issue that a natural can probably have in the 7 years I've been natural, so I feel it is my duty to pass on the bits of knowledge I've learned.
Wow, didn't mean to make this a long post, but I get a little excited! At this time I have 60 "likes" on my Facebook page which is far from what I could've ever expected, and 13 "Friends of My Blog". I'm truly humbled that I can be of assistance to anyone reading, and I hope that more people spread the word about how beautiful Natural hair can be! I will just ask that you share my page with a friend, and tell that friend to tell a friend. Please show your support & follow this page by becoming a "Friend of My Blog" and please click the Like button on Facebook to show your support.
I was having a pretty good hair day considering it needs to be washed, I took it down when I got home but forgot I didn't take any pics...so here's a few re-creation pics. My twist out is on it's last legs & I worked out this morning, so this is a style of convenience ;)
What are some things you would like me to share on This Hair of Mine?
Peace out!!
Lisa Michelle :)
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