Thursday, October 27, 2011

THANK YOU!!! 1st Giveaway Success!

Oh my goodness, I am so grateful right now...THoM readers are AWESOME!! You all have shown me so much love and I can't thank you enough for spreading the word about my very first contest. Now on to the good stuff!!

With the help of, the winner is....


Manu writes:
One thing I had to overcome during my natural hair journey was finding the right products for my particular hair type and achieving certain styles. There is so much information out there, and it is hard to sift through it all! I tried so many products and spent a huge amount of money in beginning in a pursuit for healthy moisturized hair. What I love about my natural hair is that it is healthy! Once you find what works, it works! (when I had a perm, I constantly had to change my regimen)I also enjoy the fact that I can play in my hair and I don't have to worry about broken hair strands all over my bathroom floor or my clothes.
Manuela A.
I'm sure a lot of other Naturals can relate to your story, so thank you for taking the time to enter.  Please email me at so I can get your info to ship your goodies :)  Please email me by Sunday, October 30th or I will select the next name from the drawing.

I just want to say thank you again to everyone to participated in my very first giveaway.  Please know that there will be more, I PROMISE!! I'm going to try and have another one before the year is out ;)

Stay tuned and continue to follow me on the blog, Facebook, and YouTube as well! Have a happy Thursday!

Lisa Michelle

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Natural Hair Tips from Natural Resources Salon

Hey guys!! Check out my latest article on Naturally Curly :) I'm excited y'all...and there's much more to come. Thanks to all of you for subscribing to THoM, I appreciate all of your support! Stay tuned and spread the word!

Natural Hair Tips from Natural Resources Salon

Do You Pre-Poo?


I have been a fan of this method since I became a "healthy" natural in 2009.  My hair responds quite well to oil treatments, but please keep in mind I'm telling you about MY hair.  A pre-shampoo or "pre-poo" acts to penetrate the hair shaft prior to cleansing, aids in preventing the stripped feeling that shampooing can cause, and leaves the hair soft & super easy to detangle.  I did this earlier this month as I was preparing for the Anita Grant rhassoul treatment (yes, the video is coming SOON!) but I pretty much had enough footage to show you guys what I did.  Hope this helps, please share your pre-poo mixes and how often you do your treatments.  Thanks!!

Lisa Michelle :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Aphogee Protein Treatment - VIDEO!!

FINALLY!!! I did the review a few months ago (yea I know, I'm slow!) but I've finally gotten around to edit the video.  I really wasn't familiar with the editing process back then but I felt a little more confident today to give you guys a look at my process.  It really wasn't hard (the application) but you have to be quite careful because this is meant to be a professionally applied product.  With all that being said, I think I did pretty well. 
Part One - Preparation!

I followed Empress Ri's tutorial, although there were several out on YouTube that I looked at, namely Taren916.  She had a reason for everything she did, and she has a lot of hair...way more than myself, but I know I wouldn't have been able to successfully attempt a full head application all at one time.  So break it up in sections, use a spray bottle, and start with the BACK of your head.  I picked up from Taren to be careful of what you're wearing when you apply the product...your hair will get rock hard and you do not want to have to try and pull a shirt over your head!  And wearing a towel around your neck is a good idea, but remove it before blow-drying because the towel will stick to your skin/hair and again, you don't want to manipulate the hair once the protein has dried. 

 Part 2 - Application

The point of me doing this protein treatment was to see if it helped reduce shedding and strengthen my hair.  I felt this was accomplished by the protein treatment, but I would only do this again if necessary.  If you're experiencing severe breakage and have evaluated how you are managing your hair, this may be a good option for you.  But don't expect it to work if you don't follow the instructions explicitely.  And PLEASE follow this up with a good moisturizing deep conditioner.  You will also need to go through your products to make sure you're not adding any extra protein in your regimen.  You've just done a full strength protein treatment, any more and your hair WILL BREAK OFF!!  Just a word to the wise :) Anywho, I hope this helps guys! 

Lisa Michelle

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Natural Resources Salon Demos!

I finally got the demonstrations Tamika was so kind to do for us during Nappy Love Houston's visit to Natural Resources Salon earlier this month.  She took us through several quick and easy styles, each taking well under 5 minutes to execute.  She is such a professional, and so kind to actually show us styles that we can do on our own hair.  I highly recommend you take a trip to Natural Resources Salon if you are looking for a stylist in the Houston area.  There's something to be said for her honesty, transparency, and her ability to teach as she styles.  A big thank you goes out to Tamika and the Natural Resources Salon stylists for making it an educational and fun experience!

Do you go to a salon, and if so what do you look for in a stylist?

Lisa Michelle :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Saturday!!

Hey guys!! SO I just wanted to make this a quick post...GOOD MORN'TING (*Madea voice!*) I've been a busy little bee working HARD for THoM...I've got several articles in the works and still a handful of videos to edit.  I've been a little frustrated with this whole YouTube/Google thing...I have a "Google" account and I have my "YouTube" account created before I had Android and just used my regular email.  So Google has me signed into everything except my LisaMsLisa YouTube's frustrating but I'm dealing with it until I decide to change my YT channel...*bummed*

I said quick post right?!?!  My very first giveaway is STILL GOING ON!! You have a chance to win your very own Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo, Moisture Balancing Conditioner, and a Shower Comb...all for FREE and just by joining this blog, my Facebook, and leaving me a comment on the giveaway post.  That's it, very simple!  I hope you can take the time out today and participate, but you will have until 11:59pm on Wednesday, October 26th to enter.  Don't delay, enter today :) (Follow this link for the details)


November 6, 2011 - Do What Comes Naturally

There are a couple of Natural hair events coming to the Houston area over the next couple months.  The first is the Do What Comes Naturally event, hosted by Uncle Funky's Daughter.  This is on Sunday, November 6th so you've got a couple weeks to get your tickets!  Uncle Funky's Daughter is a natural hair salon here in Houston, and this event will will no only cover your hair, it will also allow you to Mingle, Share, Shop and Celebrate Natural Freedom!  There will be all sorts of vendors there and of course natural hair galore!  Tickets must be purchased in advance at; they range in price from $20 to $40.

December 10th-11th, 2011 - Nzuri Natural Hair Showcase

The next event is the biggest natural hair event Houston has hosted!  The Nzuri Natural Hair, Healthy & Beauty Showcase will be in town on December 10th & 11th at the Reliant Center.  This will be a showcase indeed, with Miss Jessie's headlining as their main sponsor and Macy's sponsoring the fashions for the event.  This is going to be HUGE for Houston as these types of events usually go to the natural hair mecca Atlanta, fashion headquarters of New York City, or posh Los Angeles.  If you're in the area and available to make it please come show your smiling faces and show off your gorgeous mane!!  At $10 a ticket for adults, and FREE for kids 12 and under, you can enjoy both days of the event and still keep on budget!!  Let's show the natural hair community that Houston supports the movement!!

If you have an event coming up, or know of any events coming up in your area, doesn't have to be Houston, please email me at so I can post them for our members.

Also, please feel free to send me any questions or issues you may be facing, styling challenges or any other natural hair inquiries.  Since I am now writing articles for I'm looking for all kinds of inspiration from my THoM readers.  Your comments and feedback are much appreciated so don't be shy!  This is YOUR forum too!

Have a great weekend guys! (and don't forget to enter the giveaway!!)

Lisa Michelle :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's GIVEAWAY Time!!


Okay Naturals, so I'm really really REALLY excited to post my very first giveaway!  This comes at the perfect moment for me and This Hair of Mine.  I recently had my personal HAIRstory featured on Naturally Curly and I will be writing articles for them on a weekly awesome is that!!  That's something that I would have never thought in a million years, but I'm enthusiastic about natural hair and sharing the knowledge I've gained in hopes that it can help someone else.  The next milestone is that I've received over 200 likes on the Facebook page for This Hair of Mine.  I appreciate everyone that has taken the time to hit the like button on the page, and those who have decided to join my blog as well.  It really means a lot, and I'm so happy to be able to say thank you by coming out of my own pocket to give you a shot at a great product giveaway.

GIVEAWAY: Elucence Shampoo & Conditioner, and shower comb

I reviewed Elucence last month for y'all, and I am giving you guys a chance to win your own 10 oz bottle of the Moisture Benefits Shampoo and the Moisture Balancing Conditioner.  PLUS I'm throwing in a NaturallyCurly shower comb to aid in the detangling process.  This combination has worked for me and I'm am hoping the lucky person to win will enjoy it as well! 

Now, on to the requirements!  I'm going to keep it pretty simple to enter this giveaway.  If you've already become a Friend of My Blog or joined my Facebook page you are one step ahead of the crowd!

  • Join by becoming a Friend of My Blog through Google Friend Connect
  • Join my Facebook page by clicking the LIKE button
  • As a comment to this post, tell me ONE thing you've had to overcome during your natural hair journey and ONE thing you love most about your natural hair
(Please make sure to leave your name and email address if you comment as anonymous)

Easy huh?  To be fair, this will be a random giveaway, but best believe I will be reading all the responses personally.  Your issue and/or triumph may be a feature on This Hair of Mine in the near future!  The giveaway will start today, Wednesday, October 19th, 2011, I will leave the giveaway open until Wednesday, October 26th, 2011 (11:59 pm CST) and I will announce the winner on Thursday, October 27th, 2011.  Thank you for participating, and I look forward seeing your responses!!

Lisa Michelle

Walking Canal St in New Orleans

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hey y'all!! Guess who's natural hair story made it to Naturally Curly? MINE!!! My story posted on Naturally Curly TODAY so please check it out :) Thank you for ALL of your support, and continuing to subscribe and follow my blog, Facebook page and YouTube channel. Many thanks :)

Lisa Michelle :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Check Out

I helped write part of an article that posted on Friday, October 14th!!  I wrote about Enisha Brewster's hairstyle and how to achieve the look she wore on the red carpet for the Footloose movie premier.  Check it out here

This is so awesome!!!  I love the natural hair community and the support we've been receiving here at This Hair of Mine :)

Lisa Michelle

Good Morning Monday!

Hey y'all!! It's Monday and I'm getting back in the swing of the workweek after spending a weekend in the great city of New Orleans.  I had lots of fun, took lots of pictures, and managed to get a couple posts and a video out.  My hair is still kicking too :)

I didn't do anything to my hair last night...just slept on my trusty satin pillowcase.  If you don't have one yet I would seriously consider picking one up...ASAP!!  Out of all of the hair tools/accessories I've purchased, this is probably the best purchase I've made since being natural.  My hair is SUPER soft, still is holding curl, isn't smushed, and I'm ready for the day!  This is a few days old twist out, done on dry hair so my hair is stretched pretty good.

This isn't meant to be a long drawn out post, I just wanted to say good morning :)  I am getting the Anita Grant rhassoul application video together, among other things, and I'll try to post that tonight or tomorrow.  I would also like to say THANK YOU to those who are new to my blog, as well as those who've been reading since I started.  My personal HAIRstory should be appearing on tomorrow and I've reached 200 likes on my Facebook page, so this is perfect timing for my very first GIVEAWAY!!  I will tell y'all it's a couple products that I use regularly and I really think you would enjoy them as well.  I will announce what it is tomorrow and how you can enter.

Oh and if you haven't already, please check out my YouTube page, LisaMsLisa.  Subscribe, rate and comment if you like, and as always I appreciate the support!  I just posted a video showing how easy it was to take my twists down from the Naptural85 twisting method.  I will definitely work on a video of me actually twisting my hair...I've gotten quite a few requests for that as well.

What are some other things you'd like to see on This Hair Of Mine?

Lisa Michelle

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend Hair-do

Hey Naturals!! I did this video while in New Orleans for the weekend.  I tried the Naptural85 method again, this time on stretched hair with fantastic results AGAIN!! My hair was super soft and fluffy...I did not add any holding product to my hair so by the end of the night, including riding (and falling off) the bull in Bourbon Cowboy, walking the equivalent of 3 miles (or something like that lol!) Saturday night, and not going to sleep until 5ish in the AM, my hair had grown in size but it was still fly!  So peep the video, just a quick look at my twist takedown process, and let me know what you think :)

Lisa Michelle :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Weekend!!

Hey Naturals, this is just a quick post...a really really quick catch-you-up post :)

I submitted my HAIRstory to Naturally Curly a couple days ago, so that should be coming up on the site very soon!  I worked pretty hard to condense it (cause y'all know I'm long winded!) but I think it conveys my experience perfectly!

I'm headed to New Orleans today to hang out with my girls so I'll try to take as many pictures as I can...maybe I'll video while I'm out there too :)

As for my hair...I co-washed with Aussie Moist (first time trying it and I like!) used La Boutique De Fleurtzy Hydrating Hair butter to twist and now I have about 9-10 partial flat twists in.  I used small perm rods on the ends and my hair is stretched out pretty :)  The twists are still in but the rods are out...

It's early...disregard the bags :)

I was also the winner of TWO giveaways this week...I won a 20% coupon to QHEMET BIOLOGICS!!! Y'all know I've really been wanting to give their line a try, and since I missed the last sale they had b/c it sold out, I get to try it now!  And I was just notified that I won a $40 gift certificate to BEE MINE, courtesy of BeadsBraidsBeyond and KandyLandKurls 2 year blog anniversary.  I'm rocking and rolling and will be up to my elbows in products...a product junkie's dream!

Have a great weekend y'all, be safe, and have fun!!

Lisa Michelle

Friday, October 14, 2011

Curly Hair Care: Natural Hair Breakage Culprits- The Unusual Suspec...

This is definitely something to consider, especially coming into the cooler seasons. I love a good sequin shirt and now that my hair is longer I have to be more conscious about how I wear my hair with particular articles of clothing. Recently I was trying on clothes and had my hair out in a big luscious fro...that was no bueno for the task at hand. Just be aware of the subtle things that can wreck havoc on your hair.

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Natural Hair Breakage Culprits- The Unusual Suspec...: Breakage Culprits (you might not think of) by Tammy Goodson of Curlychics 1. Jewelry What girl doesn’t love accessories? But beware, t...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Developing Your Own Healthy Hair Regimen

The one thing I can say about being Natural is that it gives you the freedom to, well, be free and try a multitude of styles and products.  It's quite hard to find an entire regimen that works well for every single person, I'm not going to say impossible, but what works for me may not work for you.  We all have different hair types, textures, densities, hair preferences, etc...that's the beauty of natural hair.  Our hair allows us to try a little of this and a little of that, and this process, this journey, is what helps us learn our hair.  Of course, it's great to have other people to look to for guidance, valuable information, and advice, but ultimately it's YOUR what you want to do ;)

What I wanted to share are some of the things I have learned about creating a regimen, and how to customize it to fit your hair needs.  There are several main components of any hair regimen, with these you can cultivate a healthy, vibrant head of hair.  The basic blueprint of a hair regimen include:


That's it really.  The concept is can choose to make it as complicated or simple as you wish.  The principles are quite basic: CLEANSE clean hair and scalp enables your follicles to stay clear and for your hair to grow uninhibited CONDITION imparts moisture and nourishment into your hair in preparation for styling STYLE well this is up to you ;)  With these key principles you can start or enhance your journey towards healthy hair.

Want to delve into customizing this for your hair?  Let's break them down and give some samples of what you can add to make your hair happy.

CLEANSE - you have many more options with shampoos today, especially for Naturals.  When I first started my healthy hair journey a couple years ago, I chose to go the "no-poo" route.  This is  forgoing traditional shampoo in the sense, and opting for using conditioner to essentially "wash" your hair.  This usually only works well when you are avoiding certain ingredients that are either too heavy or cause buildup (like petroleum, silicones, or mineral oil)  I used primarily natural butters and oil during this time and I never had an issue with getting my hair clean, dry scalp or dandruff (I "thought" I had dandruff when I was turns out I just needed to change my lifestyle because once I went natural I've never had the issue again!)  On the occasion where I did feel like clarifying my scalp (every 4-5 weeks or so) I would add a bit of baking soda to my conditioner (a couple teaspoons maybe) and this worked to effectively remove build up and leave my scalp sparkling but my hair soft and not stripped.  Now I'm experimenting with some wonderful new products that are natural and clean my hair without drying it out.  I've even tried a shampoo bar for the first time :)  You can also look into using African black soap or castille soap as more natural alternatives.

CONDITION - This is probably the most important part, in my opinion, since you can actually choose to go no-poo.  Conditioning the hair is essential as a Natural because, as I'm sure many of you know, our hair tends to be dry.  Very dry for most of us.  Utilizing conditioners in your regimen helps to boost moisture content, add strength and elasticity, and smooth the cuticle of the hair in preparation for styling.  I'm gonna be real with y'all...I love conditioners.  LOVE conditioners...this is my vice.  I probably have 15...20...25 okay, lemme stop!  I have quite a few conditioners in my stash, not to say I use them all, but I've used most of them. I've got some with fantastic ingredients, I've got a few with questionable ingredients, I've got some cheapies, I've got some protein enriched...I've got it all.  I like to classify conditioners under several categories: traditional (rinse-out), deep conditioners, detangling, and leave-ins (not in the traditional leave-in sense, but those that can be rinsed partially and distributed for wash-n-gos) A good traditional conditioner can double as a deep conditioner, a detangler or a leave-in.  I like a thicker conditioner, one with moisturizing properties, and one that at least allows me to finger detangle with ease.  The difference, for me, between a traditional conditioner and a DC is that I wouldn't try to do too much detangling with a DC.  You can make your traditional conditioner act as a DC by sitting under a streamer or hooded dryer, or just throwing on a plastic baggie and a Hair Therapy wrap.  A detangling conditioner for me would be one like Suave or, good slip for detangling with my shower comb, and not too many crazy ingredients.  Personally I'm not too fond of leaving conditioner in my hair, but I've seen some great results on many other Naturals.  In addition, sometimes your hair may need a bit more TLC, and in this case you may use a traditional/detangling conditioner, then follow up with a deep conditioning treatment. 

STYLE - This is where you can cultivate your own original style.  Whether you rock twists and twist outs like myself, or venture down a more creative path by rocking braided updo's or add accessories like scarves or tams.  The products that you can use in the styling process depends on the style in which you want to achieve.  The all important thing to remember is to properly moisturize and seal the hair, no matter what style it is you are aiming to achieve.  The sealing process involves water based product, oil based product and/or a cream based product, and while the products you choose to use are purely up to you, the sequence is critical in properly sealing the moisture in. A water based product is first...and yes, you can use plain old water as that is the ultimate moisturizer.  You can also use a product with a high water content, like a lighter leave-in, following your washing routine.  Next is the oil based product.  This is the step that actually seals the moisture in, since the oil molecules are heavier the water can't escape and therefore keep the moisture concentrated within the hair strand.  A cream based product is used to round out the process, adding another layer of protection for your hair.  Sometimes I bypass the cream based product, depending on the products that I'm using and the style I'm going for.  I usually always add a cream based product overnight, especially if my hair is in twists, adding yet another layer of moisturizing goodness.  The goal is to keep moisture in your hair, and this should help prevent split ends and breakage.  My sealing product trio may look something like this: Karen's Body Beautiful Sweet Ambrosia (water based) Butter Love (oil based) Creamylicious (cream based).  If you include her Jojoba oil, she has a perfect combination to keep your hair soft, moisturized, and full of sheen and body.

Karen's Body Beautiful
I know it seems like a whole lot of information, but if you stick with the basic principles you should be just fine!  Feel free to customize, add in, leave out...make it your own regimen.  Don't be afraid to try different products, there's really no right or wrong when it comes to learning your hair.  And if you listen it will guide you in the right direction.

What's in your healthy hair regimen?

Lisa Michelle

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Natural Resources Meetup VIDEO

Hey guys, I know the meetup was last week, but I wanted to go ahead and post the video of the first part of the meetup.  Editing is hard work y'all...the video is still kinda long, but Tamika shares some great tips for caring for your natural hair.  Make sure you subscribe to my blog, YouTube and Facebook's free and I'd really appreciate your show of support.  Let me know too if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.  Thanks a bunch :)

Up past my bed time...again!  Oh well, such is life :)

Lisa Michelle

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Curly Hair Care: Techniques to Achieve the Perfect Twist Out

Y'all know I love a good twist out! My technique is pretty similar, although my magic number is about 16...twists that is. And you all see Curly Nikki's hair is gorgeous, so she's a good one to take advice from!

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Techniques to Achieve the Perfect Twist Out: Exhale1913 writes: In my natural hair journey, I've learned that TECHNIQUE can be just as important as products, so therefore I pose a qu...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

THE Twist Out

I may have posted a picture on the Facebook page, but I just found the video I made of it.  This style was achieved using Anita Grant's Creamy Cafe Latte (reviewed previously) and Naptural85's twisting method.  I can't wait to recreate this style...that will be a tutorial for another day :)  Don't forget to's FREE!! Enjoy!!

Lisa Michelle

Lots of Stuff!!

I just wanted to say HEY Y'ALL!!! I haven't posted since Monday and that is way too long IMO (in my opinion).  I've been doing LOTS OF STUFF but haven't been able to find the time to sit down and actually write about it.  I tried to do a video...yea, that was a very random ADD video...maybe I'll post it just so y'all can see how much I have on my brain right now.  I'll give y'all a brief synopsis for the time being, and will attempt to post probably about 3-4 posts, at least 2 videos (the Nappy Love Meet-up and the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie review) Trust me I have way more to put on here, but I'm trying not to be up til 3 am again tonight (I don't know WHAT my problem was last night/this morning)

Currently I have my pre-poo oil treatment in, using my hair therapy wrap, and I'm about to get my Anita Grant Marshmallow Rhassoul Deep Condish on (yeaaaa, finally!!!)  Gotta rinse this stuff out first, then shampoo with my Elucence Moisture Benefits shampoo.  I can't WAIT to try this stuff...I just couldn't find the time to do it where I wouldn't have to rush.  I'm going to follow Kinky Kurly Queen's tutorial on how she does her rhassoul treatment.

So I've got some good news for This Hair of Mine...

I'm going to get to blog for Naturally Curly!! 

Hopefully I'll have 2 articles up before the end of this month :)  I think I posted on my Facebook page but I haven't had a chance to share on my blog...I'm SUPER excited!!  Please stay tuned to my page, I'm really trying to bring some good info, product reviews, and tutorials.  Make sure you subscribe so you'll be notified about new posts, it's free! Also check out my my Facebook page, hit the like button while your there, then swing on over to my YouTube channel and subscribe there as well.  Your girl is working hard over here ;)

Lisa Michelle

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Curly Hair Care: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day & Neither Is a Regimen

Another great article today posted to Curly Nikki...this is probably one of the most frequent questions I get asked. It's so hard to tell specifically what I do, but I almost always never do the same exact thing twice. I do follow a pretty similar game plan, but it all depends on the time I have. And with so many new products coming out and things I want to try, my regimen changes pretty regularly.

Have you developed a regimen for your hair, and if you haven't yet, what types of things do you want to incorporate?

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day & Neither Is a Regimen: by Shelli of HairScapades Last week, I received this question on my YouTube Channel wall: Hi, I love your hair and the fact that it’s ver...

Curly Hair Care: Are We Length Obsessed?- Natural Hair

If y'all can't already tell I love me some Curly Nikki!! I too have found myself doing some of the things she mentioned in her response...I think as a society "length" is one of the things most sought after even in sacrifice of health.

Hi, my name is Lisa, and I want long AND healthy hair :)

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Are We Length Obsessed?- Natural Hair: Angela of WiseCurls writes: *raises church finger* Excuse me team natural. I have a question. It's real out 'chea on these natural stree...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Curly Hair Care: Corinne Bailey Rae- 'I Wanted to Start a Natural H...

Corinne Bailey Rae is on the couch with Curly Nikki!! Talk about a hair idol :) Check out her interview!!

Curly Nikki Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Corinne Bailey Rae- 'I Wanted to Start a Natural H...: lecoil In the world of natural hair, there are tons of community and celebrity hair idols floating around. Folks whose hair we admire an...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tell A Friend...This Hair of Mine Giveaway is Coming!!

Hey Naturals!! I know it's late, not as late as I'm used to posting but I'm trying to get a better night routine going (and it does NOT include staying up past midnight lol!)  I've been thinking about what I'd like to offer as a giveaway for my loyal members...and thinking...and thinking.  I finally figured out what I'm going to provide to a couple lucky folks, but I need y'alls help to spread the word about my blog.  I will be announcing the giveaway upon one of two things happening - reaching 200 likes on my Facebook page (go hit the button!!) or reaching 50 members on my blog.  I would love to bridge the discrepancy between the two, but such is life :) I'm just happy and pleased to be able to reach as many people as I can with my one little ole voice.  So help a sista out, tell a friend to tell a friend about This Hair of Mine.  If you know someone who's been thinking about going natural and hasn't quite yet decided, send them my way.  I may be a newbie blogger/vlogger but I think I've made a nice, comfy forum for all those who've joined.  I'm always open for question, comments and suggestions so feel free to be interactive on the site.  

That's enough of a plug, guess what I purchased today? After watching numerous videos and stalking her blog, I finally let Kinky Kurly Queen talk me into purchasing Bee Mine Bee Hold Curly Butter. I figured I'd give it a shot...and I'm a sucker for 20% off at ;) I feel that my PJ monster is like the plant on Little Shop of Horrors (FEED me Seymour!!) I'm getting some good stuff, so much so I don't think I'll have enough hours in the day to try all of the goodies in my posession.  Check out Kink Kurly Queen, I think out of all the bloggers/vloggers I follow, I most closely identify with her.  Our hair seems quite similar (although hers looks a whole hell of a lot easier to detangle...and thicker too) and I love her disposition and attitude.  Her braidouts are THE BOMB and I promise one day I'm going to get at least one good one like hers :)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (haha!!) I'm still rocking my twists from Saturday's washing, conditioning, and styling using Shea Moisture curl enhancing smoothie.  I know I have like 3 reviews to edit, this is adding another one on my list, but I figured I'd give it a shot.  It feels a little funny to me, I'm used to butters that melt and this seemed to coat my hands and took some work to get through my hair, but my hair still feels pretty smooth and looks quite shiny.  We'll see when I twistout before work tomorrow.  Tuesday is also our Nappy Love Houston Meet-Up at Natural Resources Salon.  I'm excited to get to see the ladies again, and I'm making sure I bring my camera (charging up as I type) and my camcorder to document the event.  I love being a part of a community that can embrace one another, lift one another up instead of demeaning, and support each other as we travel a similar path. 

I guess that'll do it for the night.  I'll pub again for your support of my blog, Facebook and YouTube channels.  Please take a moment of your time to subscribe to all of my various media outlets.  I appreciate every single one of you, every question, every comment, every suggestion is genuinely taken to heart.  I hope I can spread a little natural love in your day.  Have a peaceful night!

Lisa Michelle :)

PS: Are there any questions or issues you'd like for me to inquire about at the Natural Resources Salon visit?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A New Month, A New Focus

Happy Saturday!!

Happy October 1st!!

Happy Fourth Quarter!!

I just wanted to take a quick moment to say THANK YOU!!! These (almost) past 2 months have been beyond my imagination, from starting this blog, to making my FIRST YouTube video, to creating my Facebook page, culminating in the Naturally Curly photo shoot.  I absolutely love the support I've been receiving, the questions I've been getting, the overall interest being shown in nurturing Natural hair has just made my heart full.  I hope the next few months towards the end of the year are equally as stimulating.

Now that we're entering the last quarter of the year, a lot of things have been coming to mind.  Today I finally washed my hair and tried Shea Moisture curl enhancing smoothie as my is in progress and I'll post it once I do my twistout, maybe tomorrow evening or Monday.  I realized how much my hair has grown, and that I do want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to keep it healthy and continue to grow.  The fall/winter seasons for me will be all about moisturizing and protective styles.  Yes, I'll still wear my hair out on occasion, but it will be kept to weekends and special events only.  I  really want to retain my length and see how long it will be by the end of the year.  Also, I'm going to try an minimize my detangling sessions to twice a month, using my fingers to do most of the work. 

I'm going to come back when I have a bit more time and go in-depth about what my goals are for the rest of the year and how I plan on achieving them.  For me, shorter terms goals tend to work better.  I can focus on 3 months better than I can an entire year...I'm a bit ADD when it comes to setting/achieving goals so this should help me tremendously. 

Please spread the word about my page, tell your friends and family!  I created this page for anyone who loves their hair, whether natural or transitioning, even relaxed.  Make sure to join to stay informed of new posts, it's FREE!!  I sincerely appreciate everyone who has already become a Friend of My Blog :) And now I will leave with a few snapshots of my twists, 16 total, using Shea Moisture curl enhancing smoothie.

Enjoy your weekend :)
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