FINALLY!!! I did the review a few months ago (yea I know, I'm slow!) but I've finally gotten around to edit the video. I really wasn't familiar with the editing process back then but I felt a little more confident today to give you guys a look at my process. It really wasn't hard (the application) but you have to be quite careful because this is meant to be a professionally applied product. With all that being said, I think I did pretty well.
Part One - Preparation!
I followed Empress Ri's tutorial, although there were several out on YouTube that I looked at, namely Taren916. She had a reason for everything she did, and she has a lot of hair...way more than myself, but I know I wouldn't have been able to successfully attempt a full head application all at one time. So break it up in sections, use a spray bottle, and start with the BACK of your head. I picked up from Taren to be careful of what you're wearing when you apply the product...your hair will get rock hard and you do not want to have to try and pull a shirt over your head! And wearing a towel around your neck is a good idea, but remove it before blow-drying because the towel will stick to your skin/hair and again, you don't want to manipulate the hair once the protein has dried.
Part 2 - Application
The point of me doing this protein treatment was to see if it helped reduce shedding and strengthen my hair. I felt this was accomplished by the protein treatment, but I would only do this again if necessary. If you're experiencing severe breakage and have evaluated how you are managing your hair, this may be a good option for you. But don't expect it to work if you don't follow the instructions explicitely. And PLEASE follow this up with a good moisturizing deep conditioner. You will also need to go through your products to make sure you're not adding any extra protein in your regimen. You've just done a full strength protein treatment, any more and your hair WILL BREAK OFF!! Just a word to the wise :) Anywho, I hope this helps guys!
Lisa Michelle
Lisa Michelle
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